Just when I thought I couldn’t get any more excited for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo worked their old black magic and, predictably, raised my hype to a higher plane. Say what you will about Nintendo’s presentation to promote their new console, they closed it with one humdinger of a trailer. Now I would buy anything with the word Zelda on the box (and have—yes, I’m talking the Complete Animated Series here), but this trailer seems to have gotten everyone excited for the game— even the usually jaded crowd on NeoGAF. Just peep this forum thread: word on the street is it might be the best trailer for a Zelda game ever!
Confessions of a Wii U Owner: Part 1
So, what did you make of Nintendo’s presentation on their newest console, the Switch? Those Joy-Cons… slick, huh? Or maybe you’re of the big-handed persuasion… Then you’ve got to admit those tiny things look pretty uncomfortable. And the price! Wowzers! What do you say to that? C’mon, I know you’ve got an opinion. After all, everybody else does.